Gas inspection services division

Proper maintenance and safety are important in each and everything. When it comes to business, maintenance and safety of all the equipment and machinery are more important. It became compulsory, especially with the gas companies. Regularly proper maintenance of pipelines along with Gas inspection is vital not only for the growth of the company but also for the safety of the employees.

In Gas companies mostly the pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection is scheduled. Scheduled pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection is crucial for the companies deal with gas. With the scheduled pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection, the possible problems detected early and are rectify before it becomes a big problem. When we talk about pipeline inspections, there are two popular ways used in pipeline pigging: magnetic flux leakage or MFL and ultrasonic testing or UT.
If we compare these two pigging system with each other we get advantages and disadvantages from both of them. Here's a brief look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of these systems. From measurements point of view, UT can take measurements 1600 time per second. While MFL magnetizes lines in order to measure flu leakage.

If we come to an accuracy of pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection, MLF has a margin of error of 20 percent. While UT has an available accuracy with defects measured to within 0.3mm. We get the result after two to three months of initial tests with the MFL.
 It is only because experts have to analyze the data first. Whereas results from UT are available immediately because of simple analysis.

If we do pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection with MLF it requires large tools for the inspection, often weighing hundreds of kilograms. On the other hand, UT uses small and lighter tools for the pipeline inspection along with Gas inspection and can be launched without requiring the use of lifting equipment.

If we do pipeline inspection along with Gas engineering with MLF can only be used for bare carbon steel pipes up to a maximum of 25mm thickness. UT, in contrast, can be used on any type or thickness of the pipe.

Energy Expert International delivers its services all across the United States. We provide Gas Inspection Program along with provides pipeline inspection and integrity services for natural gas pipeline systems. We are providing services to the natural gas industry from last 16 years. Our services are linked with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) which is being a great honor for us.


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